Child welfare caseworkers employed by the Oregon Department of Human Services are eligible for the Tom Moan Award for Excellence in Child Welfare Casework Practice. Only non-management staff are eligible for the award. 

Nominations may be submitted by anyone. A description of the award criteria used since 2010 appears below.

Nominations can be submitted electronically by clicking here.

Or, to obtain a pdf file nomination form to print and mail, click here. Email

Nominating criteria for the Tom Moan Memorial Award for Excellence in Child Welfare Casework Practice

Provide descriptions or examples that demonstrate how the nominee exemplifies the following: 

1. Effective client/provider relationships (i.e., strategies, values framework) [30 points] 
2. Positive peer relationships (i.e., peers seek consultation, helps colleagues with positive interventions, team player) [20 points] 
3. Professional development (i.e., degrees completed, credited courses completed, professional conferences attended, in-service training completed and presentations; indicate relationship to child welfare practice) [20 points] 
4. Innovation and creativity in child welfare (i.e., ideas, projects, and practice that improve services while providing consistency and continuity for clients) [20 points] 
5. Community connections (i.e., knowledge and use of resources and relationships throughout the community) [10 points] 
6. Summary: In light of the values this award represents, why are you nominating this person? 
8. References for the committee to contact (please attach written statements from peers, foster parents, court, CASAs, law enforcement, community partners; most successful nominations have been accompanied by multiple written recommendations).